Welcome to Shady Sapling.

Hi!!! Welcome to the Shade!!

My name is Aspen. I'm super happy you’re here!!

Shady Sapling a spot to relax, reflect, and escape the blinding brightness created by the daily grind and the merciless churn of a world where everyone is overwhelmed and exhausted.

Guided by an ethic of honesty, authenticity, and radical Love, most posts will represent a smattering of micro-blogs. The typical read time between 1 to 5 minutes, and content descriptions are found below. And always feel free to find out content warning found in the Welcome drop down menu.

Everything I am writing is produced in real time as I establish myself as a poet and creative community member spreading my love of artistic expression every day I have the opportunity to pull myself outta bed and start meandering queerly through life.

The content plays with words and emotion to express narrative. It is edited, but it is raw, too, making the work perfectly imperfect.

The blog space Muddles, Meanders & Everything Else consists of two blogs:

Keturah’s Spiral

A blog for poetry, flash fiction, and stream of consciousness to bend and disorient our meandering world always in transition.

Scars: 3 Small Words

A flash fiction series told from the hearts of characters that are kinda like humans in a place kinda like earth except for its three moons and the lovely state of nocturne which distorts concepts of good and bad, right or wrong, and true or false. Or something.


A visit to the Shade offers up an assortment of expressions based on my varied experiences. You may encounter a diverting tale, a weird idea, experience perspective, or contemplate about nothing, something, or whatever else. And then all of the others things!

Hopefully the complexly simple ideas proposed within each post enables consideration for all you busy business folks buzzing with busyness on the go.

The Shade is a place for collaboration and curiosity. In the Shade, perfection is found within imperfection.

Most of all, the Shade is a safe space to take a breath, slow down, and find respite.


I want to send out all my love to all my friends and family who constantly support my creative endeavors. Some many people have shown up for me and have been here to see me work hard, f*** up a lot, chase my tail, and have panic attacks that melt me down to a puddle of nothing. I would not be here without an amazing group of really close friends. You know who you are.

A huge, huge shout out to Nobody for the help with the art for the site. We have had a whole lot of fun sitting down and collaborating on the design. And by collaboration, I mean that Nobody did all the hard work while I sat back dazzled at the talent and skill. If you like Nobody’s work, for all sorts of trippy art including really powerful writing and poems check out Nobody’s website: https://www.artbynobody.com/ and their IG @tobythompsonart

Credit to Jeff B. for the Lil’ Histories logo (no longer active…for now) among other logos all throwbacks of another life. If you want to see more of Jeff check his creative work out @funtabi_rock on Instagram where there is good art and tunes to be found.

Finally, I want to give an honorable mention to Mandi B. for giving me ongoing encouragement and support from the beginning when we started our Lil’ podcast called Lil’ Victories. It was a long time ago, but Lil’ Victories will always be the most fun and foundational project. I always tell people it is on extended hiatus, reboot! 2027? Mandi???